Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Scott Walker and Wisconsin

or, Who the Hell Voted for This Guy? - or, Why am I even worrying about this, I'm in Spain - or, The Most Useless and Uninformative Wikipedia Page I've Ever Seen - or, No Really, It Should Have Been A Stub - or, The Imaginary Interrogation of Scott Walker - or, Are Your Actions Indicative of Your Time With and Opinion of the Red Cross - or, I Don't Mean to be an Elitist, but You Seriously Don't Have A College Degree? Not Even a Bachelor's? (Because I Don't Either, But I'm Not the Governor)

I want to know where your money came from, Scott Walker. I want to know how a guy who left college for the Red Cross could turn out to be such a raging douche - because that seems pretty cool to me though I think you're supposed to go back to college before you start trying to run a city or a state. And since when does working for a non-profit turn out to be so lucrative? I want to know about your campaign finance violations. I want to know how a guy who's all about jobs turned down eight-hundred million dollars of government money to BUILD A RAILROAD. (Because, I mean, there's no jobs in that, right?) I keep hearing that Scott Walker is a Millionaire but I can't find where he made his money! I hear he gave some of his salary back when he was County Executive (well, more at first because apparently he fell on some hard times, if only with his wife), but I want more information about that too because there are plenty of technicalities and loopholes and tax breaks that he could be ducking behind and he never did actually lower the salary of the position. How about now, how much of his governor's salary should we expect him to "give back?" Is that a part of the budget cuts? Scott, by all accounts you're a multi-millionaire why do you need a salary at all? Especially since you're going to score a pension larger than the salaries of the teachers you're asking to take a pay cut if (and hopefully when) we ever pull our heads out of our asses and CHOOSE not to reelect you!

What of the complaints about his work with the Criminal Justice system in Milwaukee? By the DA no less. Put an end to prison profiteering? Naw, let's bust up the prison gurds union instead. And why go straight for the Unions but exclude the Police and Fire Unions? I mean, they're our real heroes and all, and I appreciate the work they do, but what about teachers? What about Higher Education? What about the UW as a premiere research institution? How do you research without researchers? And why pay those guiding researchers?

Damnit Scott Walker, it can't just be about the bottom line, sure that's how you probably got rich (or you married it, either way it's pretty well hidden from the interwebz) but it's not how you run a state! You don't bust up the unions to cut taxes for the richest! And while I'm all for frugality in the face of abundant wealth, even though he is, according to his wife, "fiscally conservative when it comes to his personal finances. Scott drives a 1998 Saturn with 100,000 miles on it and packs the same brown bag lunch before heading to the office to save money: two ham and cheese sandwiches on wheat with mayo." Why does it have to come at the cost of Wisconsin's workers?

And while the Scott Walker Biography page on his campaign website lists (a trite) three "small town values and common sense principles"
1. Don't spend more than you have.
2. Smaller government is better government.
3. People create jobs, not government.

I'm having trouble seeing how this relates to his campaign promises and constantly restated purpose as Governor, to create jobs? And what does small government have to do with Unions and collective bargaining? Sure, let's not spend more than we have, but WTF, why are we not increasing the taxes on the wealthy? And why can't we lower the corporate tax rate (which in essence is supposed to create jobs; or not) AND increase the tax rate on the wealthiest Wisconsintes? I mean, why not eat the rich - or at least get them to pony-up and put some food on the table? People have done just fine with incredibly high taxes - the rich still get richer. But, but, but, then there's no incentive to get rich... well f'n shucks. But don't tell me that those post war years weren't booming! (And look at those taxes.) I mean, we were choking out the Ruskies and giving birth to the Military-Industrial Complex!

If you ask the majority to get paid less and give more, while you cut taxes for the wealthy aren't you basically creating a situation where the rich get richer and the poor stay f'n poor? I mean, if you cut the teachers salaries but you don't cut into the beneficiaries of the profits from the University, and in fact lower their taxes, aren't you baking a nice cake for the already rich? Aren't you creating a situation where the minority pays less and gets more? How the f is that fair? But I guess it doesn't have to be, 'cause it's a "free-country." A free country where the middle-class is disappearing, where the overwhelming demographic majority is becoming a sociological minority.

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I am a student @ MATC in Madison, WI. I am in the Liberal Arts Transfer Program. I plan on teaching, and on continuing my education إن شاء الله