I found out at the beginning of summer that there was cable in my apartment free. I paid a bill and they told me that I had cable TV when we were going over my services. I didn't even have a TV hooked up. I even chose not to after finding out that I had it.
But then I caved.
I got a coaxial cable and started eating up a little too much worthless TV. It started with morning news. I hate morning news but there was a string of Obama's on TV stints that I wanted to watch (including his speech from Cairo) and I am usually up in the morning with little I want to do (something I'm working on).
The formulas are ridiculous. A bunch of douchy dudes and the 25+ aging-yet-still-supposed-to-be-attractive-in-a-middle-class-kind-of-way-but-only-because-she's-surrounded-by-a-bunch-of-douchy-dudes type woman. Or you can watch CNN and their rotating cast of chisled, attractive young news casters.
Same banal crap on repeat. I'm done talking about it. What's sad is that I was actually watching it. I got hooked on Iran and then Michael Jackson died and it snapped me back into reality and I turned it down. And then finally off.
Ah, but I do love the history channel's overacted reenactments and baseball and the discovery channel's coverage of the apocalypse and 2012. Sportscenter doesn't suck and I think the finale of Daisy of Love is on... tonight?
Meanwhile, Charter is bankrupt, DSL sucks and there is no air signal anymore.
There's a thunder storm brewing outside right now. I'm watching it roll in. A whole world of things to do and there's rarely anything good on TV. Night time is better suited to reading or socializing with close friends. Relaxing, whereas TV is exciting and advertising sucks! Yet, I'm paying for it because it's five dollars more expensive than broadband.
It must be time to work on priorities again.
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